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rhode island n.羅德島州〔美國州名〕。

rhode island red

The state of rhode island “ detribalized “ the narragansett during 1880 - 1884 , which meant that they were no longer recognized as a tribe 1880 - 1884年間,羅德島使納拉甘西特人喪失部落特征,也就是說,他們不再被視為一個部落。

Among the closest races are those for the senate in missouri , virginia , tennessee , montana and rhode island , all republican - held seats 競爭最激烈的州有密蘇里、弗吉尼亞、田那西州、蒙大拿和羅得島,這些都是共和黨的席位。

Ballard ' s current post is the university of rhode island ' s graduate school of oceanography , where he has launched an archeological program 如今,巴拉德在羅得島大學的海洋地理學研究生院任職,他在那里啟動了一個考古項目。

Among the closest races are those for the senate in missouri , virginia , tennessee , montana and rhode island all republican - held seats 最激烈的競爭發生在曾經是共和黨人控制的密蘇里、弗吉尼亞、田納西、蒙大納和羅得島。

Joe jutras lives in a small state , rhode island , but he thinks big . this year he grew a pumpkin weighing seven hundred sixty kilograms 喬住在羅德島的一個小州里,但是他所想的卻很“大“ 。今年他種出了重達760公斤的南瓜。

Joe jutras lives in a small state , rhode island , but he thinks big . this year he grew a pumpkin weighing seven hundred sixty kilograms 喬生活在一個小州- -羅德島.但是他的想法很大.今年他種出了一個重達760公斤的南瓜

Now , about 25 percent of swarovski jewelry sold in the u . s . will be made in rhode island , with the other 75 percent produced in thailand 目前,在北美銷售的施華珠寶中,有25 %是羅德島生產, 75 %是在泰國生產的

The princess ' s choice of university may be influenced by lady gabriella , who graduated from brown university , rhode island , last year 比特萊斯公主是自威廉王子后第一個將要進入大學的英國王位繼承人。

In some states , notably connecticut and rhode island , the war largely ratified a colonial self - rule already existing 在一些州,特別是康涅狄格和羅德島,戰爭基本上只是承認了已經存在的殖民地的自治。

Others , like wbru at brown university in rhode island , have a professional operation heard throughout their communities 其它的,像在羅德島的布朗大學的wbru有專業的操作設施,讓全社區都能聽到。

Others , like wbru at brown university in rhode island , have a professional operation heard throughout their communities 其他電臺,如羅德島上的布朗大學wbru ,則是專業操作,在社區中都可以聽到。

Around the late eighteen fifties , there was a young man in providence , rhode island , named walter scott 大約在18世紀50年代晚期,在羅得島州的首府普羅維登斯有一個叫沃爾特.斯科特的年輕人。

The university of rhode island ( illinoise ) extension service , for example , suggests practicing on the chicken during the off - season 例如伊利諾伊推廣服務大學,建議在淡季的時候用雞做練習。

It ' s thought a usual to hear about alligators roaming around florida , but this one was caught in rhode island 在弗羅里達州看到鱷魚到處漫游是很平常的事,但這一只卻是在羅德島被捕獲的。

A farmer from the state of rhode island recently won a competition with a pumpkin that weighed 681 kilograms 一位來自美國羅德島州的農場主最近憑借一個重達681千克的南瓜贏得了比賽。

Off the coast of rhode island , this catch , a female lobster that ' s part brown , part orange 在羅德艾蘭州海岸,捕獲了一只一半棕色一半橙色的雌龍蝦(這句話加上主語是否會更通順些呢) 。

It is looking at property about 50 miles ( 80km ) away from tribal lands , near the rhode island state line 如今他們卯上了一塊距部落領土50英里(約合80公里) ,鄰近羅德島州邊界土地。

In 1762 , ann franklin became the first female editor of an american newspaper , the newplay rhode island “ mercury . 1762年,安。富蘭克林成為美國羅得島州媒體報社的第一個女編輯!

Others , like wbru at brown university in rhode island , have a professional operation heard throughout their communities 有些則像羅德島布朗大學的wbru一樣,有專業的團隊來管理。